Information and Facts on Cinnamon

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Most people think of cinnamon a simple flavoring spice, but in traditional Chinese medicine, it’s one of the oldest remedies, prescribed for things like: diarrhea, chills, influenza and parasitic worms. Cinnamon comes from the bark of a small Southeast Asian evergreen tree and is available as an oil, extract, or dried powder. It’s closely related to cassia (C. cassia) and contains many of the same components, but the bark and oils from C. zeyleanicum have a better flavor.

Germany’s Commission E approves cinnamon for appetite loss and indigestion. Two animal studies suggest that an extract of cinnamon bark taken orally may help prevent stomach ulcers. Preliminary results from test tube and animal studies suggest that cinnamon oil and cinnamon extract have antifungal, antibacterial, and antiparasitic properties. For example, cinnamon has been found to be active against Candida albicans, the fungus responsible for vaginal yeast infections and the oral yeast infection called thrush, Helicobacter pyiori, the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers, and even head lice. Highly preliminary evidence also suggests that cinnamon might have antiallergic and antidiabetic properties

The phytochemical compounds in cinnamon ease allergies, reduce pain, fight bacteri & fungi, disinfect wounds, relieve gas, and help the movement of food thru the digestive system and intestinal tract.


As a widely used food, cinnamon is believed to be safe. However, cinnamon’s essential oil is much more concentrated than the powdered bark commonly used for baking. There is some evidence, although not proven that very high doses of cinnamon oil might depress the central nervous system. Germany’s Commission E recommends that pregnant women should avoid taking cinnamon oil or high doses of the bark. Maximum safe doses in young children, nursing women, or individuals with severe liver or kidney disease have not been determined.

Cinnamon is also known as: 

  • Ceylon Cinnamon,
  • cinnamomum zeylanicum
Cinnamon is used for:
These Symmetry products are Cinnamon formulas that include a blend of herbal and health supplements that work together for your health, healing, and well being. 

All information presented on these web pages is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or to administer to any physical ailments.
In all matters related to your health please contact a qualified, licensed Medical Consultant or Doctor.
Symmetry herbal and nutritional products for Women, Children, and Men includes vitamins, herb supplements, skin care, weight loss, water filters, sport's nutrition, and health maintenance. Giving you and your family an alternative natural way for prevention and healing treatment of disease - also to aid in well being of mind, body, and spirit.

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........Symmetry herbal and nutritional products for Women, Children, and Men includes vitamins, herb supplements, skin care, weight loss, water filters, sport's nutrition, and health maintenance. Giving you and your family an alternative natural way for prevention and healing treatment of disease - also to aid in well being of mind, body, and spirit.