Information and Facts on Arginine

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Arginine retards the growth of tumors and cancer by enhancing immune function. It increases the size and activity of the thymus gland, which manufactures T lymphocytes (T cells), crucial components of the immune system. Arginine may therefore benefit those suffering from AIDS and malignant diseases that suppress the immune system. It is also good for liver disorders such as cirrhosis of the liver and fatty liver; it aids in liver detoxification by neutralizing ammonia. Seminal fluid contains arginine. 

Studies suggest that sexual maturity may be delayed by arginine deficiency; conversely, arginine is useful in treating sterility in men. It is found in high concentrations in the skin and connective tissues, making it helpful for healing and repair of damaged tissue.

Arginine is also called L-arginine, and is also used in cardiovascular and heart supplements. These  formulas address problems like cardiomyopathy and heart attack.

Arginine is important for muscle metabolism. It helps to maintain a proper nitrogen balance by acting as a vehicle for transportation and storage, and aiding in the excretion, of excess nitrogen. This amino acid aids in weight loss because it facilitates an increase in muscle mass and a reduction of body fat. It is also involved in a variety of enzymes and hormones. It aids in stimulating the pancreas to release insulin, is a component of the pituitary hormone vasopressin, and assists- in the release of growth hormones. 

Because arginine is a component of collagen and aids in building new bone and tendon cells, it can be  good for arthritis and connective tissue disorders. Scar tissue that forms during wound healing is made up of collagen, which is rich in arginine. A variety of functions, including insulin production, glucose tolerance,  and liver lipid metabolism, are impaired when the body is deficient in arginine.

Those with viral infections such as herpes should not take supplemental arginine, and should avoid foods rich in arginine, as it may promote the growth of those type viruses. L-Arginine supplements should be  avoided by pregnant and lactating women. Persons with " schizophrenia" may not want to take more than 30 milligrams daily. 


Sexual function and L-arginine L-arginine (arginine) is a naturally occurring amino acid and is one of the "semi-essential" amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Essential amino acids are not made by the body and therefore must come from dietary or supplementary sources. It was once thought that the only function of amino acids was to serve as components of proteins. Now, it is generally being found that in many cases, especially in the cases of essential amino acids, they or their metabolites play roles in the physiological function. In the case of L-arginine, it has recently been found that one of its metabolites, nitric oxide, is an important regulator of a variety of important aspects of normal physiology. This includes relaxation of blood vessels, particularly the small blood vessels, leading to increased circulation of blood in tissue. For decades it has been known that there was a substance that caused blood vessels to relax. It was thought to be a protein, though its identification and isolation proved remarkably illusive. Within the past few years it was discovered that this so called endothelial derived relaxing factor was not a protein, but rather was the simple diatomic molecule, nitric oxide.

A major cause if incomplete erection in men and lack of orgasm in women is lack of sufficient blood flow to the genital area. Most often this is a result of construction of the small blood vessels (arterioles). Nitric oxide, by relaxation of the blood vessel wall, has been shown to improve blood flow and therefore should reasonably be thought to cause warming. 

Arginine is also known as:

  • L-arginine

Arginine is used for:

These Symmetry products are Arginine formulas that include a blend of herbal and health supplements that work together for your health, healing, and well being

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........Symmetry herbal and nutritional products for Women, Children, and Men includes vitamins, herb supplements, skin care, weight loss, water filters, sport's nutrition, and health maintenance. Giving you and your family an alternative natural way for prevention and healing treatment of disease - also to aid in well being of mind, body, and spirit.