Information and facts on Varicose Veins

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Blood flows thru your arteries, moved by the heart's beating and providing both nutrients and oxygen to all of the human body tissues. Blood returns back to the heart by the veins. Like the arteries, the veins are  tube shaped vessels in different sizes, but unlike the arteries, the veins have little valves on their inner walls to prevent  blood from flowing backward, into the arteries. If these vein valves do not work properly, circulation is affected and blood accumulates in the veins causing them to stretch. This results in what is known as  "varicose veins", which are abnormally enlarged, bulging, often bluish and lumpy looking veins. These very noticeable veins also include the following symptoms: dull, nagging aches and pains. Swelling, leg sores, itching, leg cramps, and a feeling of heaviness in the legs are characteristic of varicose veins. The poor circulation contributes to the formation of varicose  veins and thus the problem is more common in people that sit or stand in one position for prolonged periods of time, people who habitually sit with their legs crossed, and those who are not getting regular exercise. Excess weight, heavy lifting, and pregnancy will increase pressure on the legs, increasing the risk of developing varicose veins. Also keeping the colon clean is important to reduce risk.

Abdominal tumors, constipation, heart failure, liver disease, and phlebitis can also play a role in the  formation of varicose veins. A deficiency of vitamin C and bioflavonoids can weaken the collagen  structure of the vein walls, which can lead to varicose veins. A tendency toward varicose veins may also run in families. Most cases of varicose veins do not pose a serious health problem and can be managed with simple home measures and treatment. However, in some cases if the varicose veins are not treated correctly, other complications such as bleeding under the skin, deep vein blood clots, an eczema like condition near the affected veins, or ulcerated places around the ankles can be a serious problem. Proper nutritional supplementation, dietary changes, and lifestyle changes listed on this webpage can help prevent or heal varicose veins and related health issues.


Nutrient / Supplement Importance
( 1 - 10 )
Helpful notes
Essential fatty acids 10 helps minimize blood clot formation as well as keeping both the veins and arteries soft and pliable. Essential fatty acids are found in omega fatty acids from fish oil, flax seed oil, and borage seed oil.
Multi-vitamin & Mineral supplement 10 contains vitamin E, vitamin C, magnesium,  calcium, and zinc which all aid in both the treatment and the prevention of varicose veins. These nutrients contained in a daily supplement are required for general good health and well being.
Garlic 9 garlic helps to improve circulation and thin the blood. This herb has been shown to inhibit the formation of free radicals thus benefiting people with varicose veins. Garlic also helps boost the immune system.
vitamin C 9 helps improve blood circulation and reduction of blood clotting problems.
vitamin E 8 helps to prevent the heavy feeling in the legs that people with varicose veins and related disorders suffer from. It also helps with blood circulation and boosts the body's immune system.
Shepherd's Purse 8 this herb is good for blood flow issues as well as various forms of infection.
Bioflavonoids 8 bioflavonoids can reduce clotting tendencies, aid in circulation, and  strengthen the blood vessels.They are also powerful anti-viral agents that increase energy levels. Found in fruit and vegetable based supplements. Many people are deficient as a result of poor diet where they eat very little good quality fruits and vegetables.
Pomegranate seed extract 8 strong anti-oxidant
Grape Seed extract 7 is a powerful anti-oxidant that helps restore flexibility to the arterial walls and reduces risk of both blood vessel disease and varicose veins.



Other Changes To Make

  • drink 6-8 glasses of steam distilled or filtered water a day

  • eat 50% raw fruits and vegetables (organic is best)

  • nuts, seeds, and whole grains are good

  • juice is good (make your own with a juice machine)

  • do not worry as much about calories as eating the right foods

  • carrot and celery sticks are good to use as a snack

  • a colon cleansing can be very helpful - (do several times each year)

  • do not drink coffee, alcohol, soda pop, other junk food drinks

  • do not eat processed foods white sugar, white flour, etc...

  • use stress relief like going for walks in the park (or the 10/90 rule - see Stress)

  • brown rice is good to eat

  • avoid red meat and animal fats

  • reduce dairy products cheese, milk, and others

  • fast a few days a month

  • get at least 8 hours of sleep 

  • exercise light to moderate amounts

  • avoid artificial sweeteners like Aspartame and NutraSweet

  • do not smoke and avoid second hand smoke

  • do not skip meals - just eat better and not as much at each meal

  • do not chew gum - it can cause you to feel hungry

  • do not watch too much TV try reading a book or something else


All information presented on these web pages is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or to administer to any physical ailments.
In all matters related to your health please contact a qualified, licensed Medical Consultant or Doctor.
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........Symmetry herbal and nutritional products for Women, Children, and Men includes vitamins, herb supplements, skin care, weight loss, water filters, sport's nutrition, and health maintenance. Giving you and your family an alternative natural way for prevention and healing treatment of disease - also to aid in well being of mind, body, and spirit.