Information and facts on cellulite

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Females have a unique layer of fatty tissue under the skin which consists of little chambers separated by vertical walls of tissue.  Water retention, excess weight or a sedentary lifestyle can weaken the top of these "fat-cells" so that they buckle and fold. These smaller compartments then break up and cluster under the skin which in turn changes the appearance of the skin. The skin on the hips, thighs and buttocks then appears lumpy, containing dips, ripples and dimples. Some refer to it as a dimpled "orange peel" effect.
In a nutshell then, cellulite is lumpy, unevenly distributed fatty tissue which is found mainly in fatty areas between the waist and the knees.

How common is the problem?

Some believe as many as 90% of women are affected to some degree by cellulite. It even forms in the young during puberty but due to the skin on young women being more supple it is not noticeable. Not only overweight women but even slim women can have deposits of cellulite on their buttocks, hip and thighs.

Why does cellulite affect women and not men?

Fat cells in the male body are shaped differently and fat is stored differently. Females have a unique structure under the skin consisting of small chambers separated by vertical walls of tissue.

Why is it viewed as a problem?

Because many women regard these lumpy areas of skin as unsightly!  It makes them feel uncomfortable or embarrassed when these areas are visible to others.
Some feel their sex appeal is affected.

How is it caused?

Good blood circulation is essential for the elimination of toxic wastes in the body which otherwise get lodged in fat cells. Poor microcirculation can cause damage to the fat tissue.
Blood and lymphatic vessels then leak fluid into surrounding tissue causing congestion which in turn causes swelling, prevents nutrients reaching the tissue, and affects the drainage of toxins. Connective tissue then becomes damaged so they eventually scar, causing stretch marks and trapping fat cells. In summary, anything in one's lifestyle causing poor blood circulation contributes to the problem including poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and poor blood and lymphatic circulation.

What strategies can help deal with it?

  • Diet and exercise are key factors.

  • Drinking plenty of water helps cleanse the system by flushing out toxins from the body.

  • Reducing the amount of fat consuming in the daily diet can help.

  • Fibre rich foods including fruit, vegetables and wholegrain cereals help greatly in eliminating wastes from the

  • body and should therefore be a prominent part of the daily diet.

  • Salt can cause the body to retain water so it is wise to avoid foods that contain a lot of sodium.

  • Regular exercise including walking and swimming can do much to keep the body in good shape.

  • In addition, there are products available which can help. See below.

What is the solution?

  • Diet and exercise play key roles.

  • Cellulite Massagers also help


Other Changes To Make

  • drink 6-8 glasses of steam distilled or filtered water a day

  • eat 50% raw fruits and vegetables (organic is best)

  • nuts, seeds, and whole grains are good

  • juice is good (make your own with a juice machine)

  • do not worry as much about calories as eating the right foods

  • carrot and celery sticks are good to use as a snack

  • a colon cleansing can be very helpful - (do several times each year)

  • do not drink coffee, alcohol, soda pop, other junk food drinks

  • do not eat processed foods white sugar, white flour, etc...

  • use stress relief like going for walks in the park (or the 10/90 rule - see Stress)

  • brown rice is good to eat

  • avoid red meat and animal fats

  • reduce dairy products cheese, milk, and others

  • fast a few days a month

  • get at least 8 hours of sleep 

  • exercise light to moderate amounts

  • avoid artificial sweeteners like Aspartame and NutraSweet

  • do not smoke and avoid second hand smoke

  • do not skip meals - just eat better and not as much at each meal

  • do not chew gum - it can cause you to feel hungry

  • do not watch too much TV try reading a book or something else


All information presented on these web pages is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or to administer to any physical ailments.
In all matters related to your health please contact a qualified, licensed Medical Consultant or Doctor.
Symmetry herbal and nutritional products for Women, Children, and Men includes vitamins, herb supplements, skin care, weight loss, water filters, sport's nutrition, and health maintenance. Giving you and your family an alternative natural way for prevention and healing treatment of disease - also to aid in well being of mind, body, and spirit.

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........Symmetry herbal and nutritional products for Women, Children, and Men includes vitamins, herb supplements, skin care, weight loss, water filters, sport's nutrition, and health maintenance. Giving you and your family an alternative natural way for prevention and healing treatment of disease - also to aid in well being of mind, body, and spirit.