Information and Facts on Spirulina

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Spirulina is earth's oldest living algae (3.6 billion years ago) and the first photosynthetic life form, credited with creating our oxygen atmosphere which allowed all life to evolve. Spirulina is the most nutritious, concentrated food known to man, containing antioxidants, phytonutrients, protein, beta-carotene, GLA, B-Vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, sulfolipids, glyco-lipids, superoxide dismutase, enzymes, RNA, DNA, and supplies many nutrients that are lacking in most people's diets.

Spirulina provides:

  • Athletes with long lasting energy and vitality
  • Nourishes people with digestion, assimilation & elimination
  • Stress
  • Concentrated essential nutrients to weight watcher
  • Supports normal memory and mental clarity.

The United Nations has stated that "Spirulina is the most ideal food for mankind". The US Department of Agriculture in October 1988 published "Spirulina: Food For the Future". Spirulina has been consumed by people for centuries and millions of Americans enjoy it, and is available in health food stores and nutrition centers everywhere.

Spirulina is the richest whole food source of beta-carotene (Pro Vitamin A). Spirulina is 25 times richer than raw carrots in beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a natural antioxidants that offers protection against free radical damage.

Spirulina is the richest whole food source of Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 in spirulina provides energy, and is essential for normal growth and neurological function. People also eat it for energy and internal cleansing.

GLA supports normal blood cholesterol and blood pressure, and normal joint function, premenstrual stress and skin health. The rich minerals in spirulina are essential for healthy skin, bones. GLA in mother's milk helps the babies health.

Spirulina is the richest whole food source of protein. The protein in spirulina is twice that of the nearest rival soybeans, and at least 3 times that of beef, fish or eggs. Spirulina has a high biological value protein with a superior complete amino acid profile containing all 8 essential amino acids and 10 non-essential amino acids with the correct proportions. It has an unmatched digestibility coefficient of 95.1%. The amino acids in spirulina are delivered in an essentially "free form" state for almost instantaneous assimilation.

Other Spirulina Benefits:

  • Supports GI structure function
  • Supports heart and joint health
  • Concentrated source of nutrients

Spirulina is also known as:

  • Blue green algae
Symmetry Products with Spirulina:


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........Symmetry herbal and nutritional products for Women, Children, and Men includes vitamins, herb supplements, skin care, weight loss, water filters, sport's nutrition, and health maintenance. Giving you and your family an alternative natural way for prevention and healing treatment of disease - also to aid in well being of mind, body, and spirit.